
Armed conflict database south asia
Armed conflict database south asia

armed conflict database south asia

The war in Ukraine is disrupting livelihoods, affecting energy and commodity markets, and placing further stresses on areas that were already fragile, such as Yemen and the Sahel.įorced displacement is a developing world crisis, which must be addressed with collective action:.In fragile and conflict-affected areas, average per-capita incomes are expected to decline by 2024.Severe food insecurity, which is estimated to affect over 240 million people until 2027, is twice as prevalent in FCV-affected countries.World Bank estimates show that an additional 20 million people are living in extreme poverty in countries affected by FCV since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

armed conflict database south asia

These latest developments add on to a multitude of risks affecting FCV settings, which include food insecurity, climate change, rising inequality, demographic change, and the socio-economic impacts of the pandemic. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the world has seen a series of massive setbacks to stability in regions across the world: from Asia and Africa to Latin America and the Caribbean, and more recently in Eastern Europe. Violent conflict has spiked dramatically since 2010 in several regions, and the fragility landscape is becoming more complex. And by 2030, an estimated 59% of global extreme poor will be in countries affected by FCV. By 2024, projections are that the total number of extreme poor in FCV-affected settings may surpass that in non-FCV settings. Fragility, conflict, and violence (FCV) present a critical development challenge that threatens efforts to end extreme poverty in both low- and middle-income countries.

Armed conflict database south asia